Permaculture Workshop Details
It looks like we will have a beautiful sunny day. Please dress to be outside for most of the afternoon sun hats, water, cloths you don't mind getting dirty...We will spend the morning at Town Farm's community room learning the "seed" of Permaculture-- its history,definitions, ethics. principles and main techniques.
There will be a vegetarian lunch of a monstrous quinoa salad with salad greens from Red Fire Farm, spinach from our coldframes at Montview Neighborhood Farm, sourdough bread from Hungry Ghost Bakery and homemade hot soup made with the last of our stored carrots, sweet potatoes and garlic. If you have any food allergies please let me know. Hot Coffee and Tea will be available throughout the day. If you cold bring a mug, bowel and spoon that would be great.
After lunch we will take a tour of the farm and spend the majority of our time in design teams doing what the British have coined a "Perma-Blitz", a period of intense collaborative design. We will end our blitz with a series of design concepts for the farm based on the farms goals and an understanding of the ecological and social situation of the site. If you have some of your own design materials (trace, markers, pencils) you can bring them. If not we will provide them. We will end our workshop with ways to plug in to this international movement and happenings in our local area.
From the Center of Northampton head south on Pleasant St (towards Holyoke) make a left on Holyoke St. (after Northampton Coffee) and take a right at the T onto Williams. Take your first left onto Montview ave. Town Farm and Montview Neighborhood farm is the long driveway on the Left right before Henry St. Please park by the soccer field. We'll meet at Town Farm's community room head toward the greenhouse and you will see us.
You can pay by check to Montview Neighborhood Farm or Cash. I am open to barter. If $ is stopping you from taking this workshop please talk to me.
If you would like to take all 3 Permaculture workshops it will be sliding scale $120-$250
Feel Free to call me at 610-955-7168
See you Saturday!
2010 Montview Workshops
Building Resilient Communities
All workshops are $25-$40 sliding scale unless otherwise marked, no one will be
turned away due to lack of funds. Space is limited. Please register one week in advance
by emailing MONTVIEW@PEDALPEOPLE.COM or call 413-825-6795 x306.
Permaculture is a design system that provides for human needs while increasing the health
of the ecosystem. It gives us a lens to obser ve and assess what is happening in the natural
landscape and use those principles to design food, buildings and communities that work
together to use less energy and produce higher yields. Students will walk away with a
framework for understanding the connection between social and ecological health as well
as a process for designing solutions that come from being able to “read” a landscape. Each
fundamentals session is tailored to the par ticular season. Ask about discounts for taking all
three. Sliding scale $60-$100, vegetarian lunch provided. With Lisa DePiano
GARDENING 101, April 18, 10-12
Want to have your own garden but don’t know where to star t? In this workshop we will
cover ever ything you need to know to get going. We will cover soil testing, site preparation,
planting schedules, weed and pest management and more. With Molly Merrett
Come learn how to grow your own shitake mushrooms. Take home a log of your own.
With Jonathan Bates
PERMACULTURE FUNDAMENTALS, May 8, 10-5 (see above description)
We can har vest rainwater off of our homes, garages, and even our chicken coops and use
it to water our gardens while keeping it from overfilling our sewer systems and flooding
our basements. Come learn how to calculate how much water we can har vest, learn safe
har vesting methods and build a two barrel system.
Even if you’re an avid gardener, if you are only gardening plants, you are missing out! There
is a whole other kingdom to explore - and eat! How can we incorporate delicious,
nutritious fungi in our veggie gardens, food forests, lawns, and landscaping? In this workshop,
we’ll learn some of the options available to us, and even tr y one or two! We’ll learn
how to look at mushroom crops through a holistic, permaculture lens, and find the niche
in the landscape where they can peform useful ecological functions, even as they produce
food and medicine for us. We’ll review common and less-common mushroom crops, and
different cultivation techniques. We’ll also talk about how to be smar t and safe when
dealing the mushroom kingdom. $60-$100 sliding scale. With Rafter T. Sass
Join us for a stroll around Montview Farm and learn how to identify the local edible and
medicinal herbs, trees and shrubs growing abundantly right here in the Pioneer Valley! We’ll
focus on methods of identification and har vesting, and discuss easy ways to turn these
common “weeds” into powerful medicine!
Ever ything you wanted to know about building, maintaining and using your own backyard
compost pile but were afraid to ask. Topics include bin size and construction methods,
proper ratios of materials, to turn or not to turn, what to add and how, how to rescue a
pile gone astray, when is it finished and the stor y to decomposition. We will end the
workshop by learning how to brew and apply aerated compost tea.
Making your own medicine is fun, empowering and easy! In this workshop all par ticipants
will have the oppor tunity to experience the medicine-making process for salves and
tinctures from star t to finish. We’ll star t with a shor t herb walk around Montview Farm to
decide what we want to har vest. From there we’ll process the herbs and make some
medicine! Par ticipants will all leave with at least one homemade salve and one tincture.
JONATHAN BATES has been thinking and teaching ecologically since 1999. In 2001
Jonathan graduated with a masters degree from the Institute for Social Ecology. Currently
he is an energy advisor for the Center for Ecological Technology. He’s been studying, creating
and working with rural and urban gardens in the Connecticut River Valley for the last
six years, and is a co-designer and inhabitant of an edible forest garden in Holyoke, MA.
LISA DEPIANO is a cer tified Permaculture designer/teacher and co-founder of the
Montview Neighborhood farm, a human-powered farm and edible forest garden in the
Connecticut River Valley. She has a Master’s degree in Regional Planning from the
University of Massachusetts and loves working with people to create the world they
would like to live in. She also enjoys local histor y, community radio, playing contra dance
mandolin and riding with the worker-owned, bicycle-powered hauling ser vice, Pedal People.
JADE ALICANDRO-MACE is a Community Herbalist grounded in the Wise Woman
Tradition of Herbal Medicine. She has completed numerous herbal training programs
at schools throughout the New England Bio-Region, including the Nor theast School of
Botanical Medicine, Blazing Star Herb School, Clearpath School of Herbal Studies, and the
Gaia School of Healing, and holds a B.S. in Plant Biology from the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst. Jade truly believes that herbal medicine is the people’s medicine, and that
this knowledge belongs to ever yone. Teaching the healing proper ties of the plants growing
right here in our own backyards, fields and forests is one of her greatest passions. She
is based in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts and offers herbal consultations,
perennial garden suppor t, and seasonal herb walks and workshops. For more information
contact her at Milk and Honey Herbs.
MOLLY MERRETT is the primar y grower at the Montview Neighborhood Farm and has
been farming for over a decade. She graduated from Hampshire College with a degree in
sustainable agriculture and is a collective owner of Valley Green Feast.
RAFTER T. SASS has been learning, teaching, and practicing Permaculture design since 2003.
His work as consultant, designer, and researcher, covers themes as diverse as ecological
waste and water treatment, homescale mushroom production, whole farm design, and
urban agroforestr y. This work has taken him from the nor theastern US to Texas to Peru.
He is now studying ecological design at the graduate level in Vermont.
All workshops are $25-$40 sliding scale unless otherwise marked, no one will be
turned away due to lack of fun
All workshops are $25-$40 sliding scale unless otherwise marked, no one will be
turned away due to lack of funds. Space is limited. Please register one week in advance
by emailing MONTVIEW@PEDALPEOPLE.COM or call 413-825-6795 x306.
Permaculture is a design system that provides for human needs while increasing the health
of the ecosystem. It gives us a lens to obser ve and assess what is happening in the natural
landscape and use those principles to design food, buildings and communities that work
together to use less energy and produce higher yields. Students will walk away with a
framework for understanding the connection between social and ecological health as well
as a process for designing solutions that come from being able to “read” a landscape. Each
fundamentals session is tailored to the par ticular season. Ask about discounts for taking all
three. Sliding scale $60-$100, vegetarian lunch provided. With Lisa DePiano
GARDENING 101, April 18, 10-12
Want to have your own garden but don’t know where to star t? In this workshop we will
cover ever ything you need to know to get going. We will cover soil testing, site preparation,
planting schedules, weed and pest management and more. With Molly Merrett
Come learn how to grow your own shitake mushrooms. Take home a log of your own.
With Jonathan Bates
PERMACULTURE FUNDAMENTALS, May 8, 10-5 (see above description)
We can har vest rainwater off of our homes, garages, and even our chicken coops and use
it to water our gardens while keeping it from overfilling our sewer systems and flooding
our basements. Come learn how to calculate how much water we can har vest, learn safe
har vesting methods and build a two barrel system.
Even if you’re an avid gardener, if you are only gardening plants, you are missing out! There
is a whole other kingdom to explore - and eat! How can we incorporate delicious,
nutritious fungi in our veggie gardens, food forests, lawns, and landscaping? In this workshop,
we’ll learn some of the options available to us, and even tr y one or two! We’ll learn
how to look at mushroom crops through a holistic, permaculture lens, and find the niche
in the landscape where they can peform useful ecological functions, even as they produce
food and medicine for us. We’ll review common and less-common mushroom crops, and
different cultivation techniques. We’ll also talk about how to be smar t and safe when
dealing the mushroom kingdom. $60-$100 sliding scale. With Rafter T. Sass
Join us for a stroll around Montview Farm and learn how to identify the local edible and
medicinal herbs, trees and shrubs growing abundantly right here in the Pioneer Valley! We’ll
focus on methods of identification and har vesting, and discuss easy ways to turn these
common “weeds” into powerful medicine!
Ever ything you wanted to know about building, maintaining and using your own backyard
compost pile but were afraid to ask. Topics include bin size and construction methods,
proper ratios of materials, to turn or not to turn, what to add and how, how to rescue a
pile gone astray, when is it finished and the stor y to decomposition. We will end the
workshop by learning how to brew and apply aerated compost tea.
Making your own medicine is fun, empowering and easy! In this workshop all par ticipants
will have the oppor tunity to experience the medicine-making process for salves and
tinctures from star t to finish. We’ll star t with a shor t herb walk around Montview Farm to
decide what we want to har vest. From there we’ll process the herbs and make some
medicine! Par ticipants will all leave with at least one homemade salve and one tincture.
JONATHAN BATES has been thinking and teaching ecologically since 1999. In 2001
Jonathan graduated with a masters degree from the Institute for Social Ecology. Currently
he is an energy advisor for the Center for Ecological Technology. He’s been studying, creating
and working with rural and urban gardens in the Connecticut River Valley for the last
six years, and is a co-designer and inhabitant of an edible forest garden in Holyoke, MA.
LISA DEPIANO is a cer tified Permaculture designer/teacher and co-founder of the
Montview Neighborhood farm, a human-powered farm and edible forest garden in the
Connecticut River Valley. She has a Master’s degree in Regional Planning from the
University of Massachusetts and loves working with people to create the world they
would like to live in. She also enjoys local histor y, community radio, playing contra dance
mandolin and riding with the worker-owned, bicycle-powered hauling ser vice, Pedal People.
JADE ALICANDRO-MACE is a Community Herbalist grounded in the Wise Woman
Tradition of Herbal Medicine. She has completed numerous herbal training programs
at schools throughout the New England Bio-Region, including the Nor theast School of
Botanical Medicine, Blazing Star Herb School, Clearpath School of Herbal Studies, and the
Gaia School of Healing, and holds a B.S. in Plant Biology from the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst. Jade truly believes that herbal medicine is the people’s medicine, and that
this knowledge belongs to ever yone. Teaching the healing proper ties of the plants growing
right here in our own backyards, fields and forests is one of her greatest passions. She
is based in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts and offers herbal consultations,
perennial garden suppor t, and seasonal herb walks and workshops. For more information
contact her at Milk and Honey Herbs.
MOLLY MERRETT is the primar y grower at the Montview Neighborhood Farm and has
been farming for over a decade. She graduated from Hampshire College with a degree in
sustainable agriculture and is a collective owner of Valley Green Feast.
RAFTER T. SASS has been learning, teaching, and practicing Permaculture design since 2003.
His work as consultant, designer, and researcher, covers themes as diverse as ecological
waste and water treatment, homescale mushroom production, whole farm design, and
urban agroforestr y. This work has taken him from the nor theastern US to Texas to Peru.
He is now studying ecological design at the graduate level in Vermont.
All workshops are $25-$40 sliding scale unless otherwise marked, no one will be
turned away due to lack of fun
Food Security Workshop this Weekend at the Youth Media Summit
I will be doing a workshop on Food Security this weekend at Mount Holyoke College at the Youth Media Summit
Growing Local Food Security: we are what we eat
Youth Media Summit
11:15-12:45pm in Reese 301
Through small group discussion and games, we will uncover problems
with the current food system and create solutions that are healthy,
abundant, appropriate and resilient.
Feed Northampton Presentation Thursday, March 11th 7-9 Thornes Market
*Please pass this invitation on*
Gather with other concerned and energetic citizens as we meet to
unveil the Northampton Food Security Initiative, completed by
Northampton Residents and Conway School of Landscape Design!
Thursday, March 11 7-9pm Thornes' Basement (Old Dynamite Records)
The Northampton Food Security Survey grew out of our collaboration
with the Conway School of Landscape Design, the Western Mass
Permaculture Guild, the City of Northampton, Grow Food Northampton and
Transition Northampton. It seeks to answer how capable we are in accessing and producing locally grown food.
Do you have a garden? Do you store foods? Do you fish or hunt? Would
you like to eat local produce but can't afford to?
Take the Survey Now (takes 2 minutes!)
Share what you know in the survey so that we may begin to collect
resources, connect people and re-connect with our food sources! As
food and fuel prices increase, trucking in our food is already for many and may become
too expensive for most of us to afford.
Eating locally benefits our local economy and our quality of life while supporting local
producers and each other! Pass the link along to everyone in
Northampton, because everyone eats and everyone
benefits from a stronger local economy.
You can check results of the survey at
See you soon,
Seth, Lisa, Jenn, Lily and the countless others that have made this possible
This is a link to a food security project done in Shelburne Falls
The Northampton Food Security Initiative, a project of the Conway
School of Landscape Design and concerned Northampton residents, seeks
solution-based responses to the need for a local food system that
provides abundant, reliable, safe, and nutritious food for its
residents in the face of rising fuel costs. The outcome of this
initiative will be a community organizing document that makes
strategic recommendations for Northampton based on an analysis of its
potential ability to produce, process, and distribute food to all of
its residents, regardless of income.
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